2021 Tech Diversity In Nigeria
Oghenekevwe Noah-Olatoye

Oghenekevwe Noah-Olatoye


2021 Tech Diversity In Nigeria

It is no news that we are currently facing poverty, insecurity, and unemployment challenges in Nigeria, among many other issues.

The Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) says 27.1% of Nigerians are unemployed. With a population of over 200 million, this means 54.2 million Nigerians are out of a job. Every year, Nigeria produces about 500,000 graduates coming to compete for  unavailable jobs.

So far, the educational system and curriculum in Nigeria have not seemed to bring about solutions to the current issues we face, and students go through the same cycle of learning in the university and coming out with little hope of attaining a job or with the requisite skills to create a job for themselves. 

InstinctHub advocates and aims to help these students develop skills and technical knowledge to ensure that they earn a living and also create direct and indirect employment for others.

As one of our responses, last year, we launched Student Achievement Gap Initiative (SAGI) to help us identify bottlenecks hindering students from obtaining the right digital skills and accessing economic opportunities even while still in school. 

With the assessment conducted last year (2020), students identified the  skills and competencies  they would love to acquire. About 30.4% chose Graphic Design, 29.7% showed interest in Web Development, 26.4% chose Digital Marketing, and 13.5% opted for Product Management. 

Insights from the assessment show that many students are interested in self-development. However, they are constrained  by  stumbling blocks that litter this path such as lack of  information, funding  and technical resources needed to be successful. 

This is where we come in as an enabler. Our goal at InstinctHub is to build an ecosystem where young Nigerians can access technology skills. We believe with technology skills, we can redefine equality, so everyone has the right to pursue their purpose.

We are committed to ensuring  Tech Diversity In Nigeria for Nigerians! Our mission is to train 100,000 students each year and equip them with employable technology skills before they graduate through personalised learning solutions. 

Remarkably, we got support and sponsorship from Sterling Bank Plc to run a pilot test with hundred (100) students from two (2) Nigeria Universities (Bayero University, Kano and Bowen University, Iwo). 

Why is this important to the students?

With this program, students no longer need to wait until graduation before contributing directly to the country's economy and getting financial freedom. Below are some of the benefits the students will gain:

  • All the 100 participating students from the two universities will be equipped with web development skills. 
  • They will have a branded portfolio to showcase their new skills.
  • Networking and exposure with industry experts. 
  • They will be able to solve a real-world problem with their design thinking skills. 
  • They will have opportunities to earn while still in school. 
  • The top seven students will get paid internships from Sterling Bank Plc and InstinctHub Techsavvy Limited. 

This collaborative effort will not just imbibe technology skills in the students alone; it will create wealth for families locked out of employment opportunities.

The program is structured to be hybrid; students would undergo six (6) months of practical training to develop skills in Front-end development and on-hand experience working with organisations that require this skill and being mentored for the same period of six (6) months. 

The unique part of the program is that students do not need to leave their schools or stop attending their traditional classes to be successful in this program. With a commitment of (eight) 8 hours in a week at their pace, they can earn the skills that no one can take away from them.  

While the pilot test will only grant access to the 100 most qualified students and a closed-end registration to just two schools, this opportunity will be open and accessible to more students and more schools by next year 2022. 

For more enquiry, you can email us at skills@instincthub.com.

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