3 ways to learn new skills with a full-time job
Tunde Osborne

Tunde Osborne


3 ways to learn new skills with a full-time job

If you are currently having a full time job and want to learn new skills but the job is not letting you, this video is for you. Or if you are a freelancer and always struggle to level up your skills, you can leverage on these tips as well.

At the end of this video, you should be able to make out time even when your schedules are tight and your mangers are on you to deliver. Stay tuned while we take a look at possible means of using one stone (which is part of our 24 hours) to kill multiple birds.

It's either you are happy with your job or you are not. Getting a satisfactory job where the salary make sense, there is aways lunch, nice colleagues to interact with, good environment. There is inclusiveness, the list go on and on. This kind of job mostly bring satisfaction.

On the other hand, if your job is giving you lots dissatisfaction, perhaps the pay is limiting, you have no guaranteed insurance, the organisational structure is a mess, you would probably want to leave for a better offer.

Regardless of how you feel about your current job or clients, there's always something in common. At some point, career development thoughts will probably start sneaking into your mind.

These might varies from wanting a professional certification, furthering your education, or building a project. Unfortunately, something is completely taking your time and not letting you pay attention to your career development. Lets take a look at 3 tips on how you can become more efficient regardless of the nature of your job.

1. Think of what you want

Ask yourself several times, what's the next step? Several ideas might pop, just make sure you note them down. Are you looking at a new position, is it about building a project, moving to a new location, or changing a career entirely. What ever comes to your mind matters, so don't throw any idea away yet. You can time yourself for like 5 minutes. You will be amazed at what your intentional activities have produced. The next is;

2. Have a focus line

When you are done having all ideas together, it's judgment time. Segment your priority. At this point, you have to be realistic on what to shortlist and what to discard. Make sure you are not selfish, because your decision at that point will become part of your future. Be sure your list are clear so when you visit again, you won't give a wrong definition. The final thing in this stage is, convert your list into your own deliverables (KPIs).

After you've made your key performance indicators, the final step is:

3. Re-strategise your daily deliverables

The big question, where is the time? Lets talk around the strategy a bit. If your focus has always being about your employers deliverables, it's time to change the tactics. Whatever you decide to advance with needs to be broken down into daily activities, those activities need to be added to your companies deliverables.

For instance, if your company expects you to make 5 sales in a month, and you plan to cover one module of your course every week, then you need to align the two together. Don't threat them independently, as far as I'm concern, they are both of a great priority. You need to also remember that your employer wants the best from you, if you need to study while at work, do it. The better you become the added advantage to the company.

The reason most people fail to stick to the plan is because they think they will always have free time. The truth is, free time is inconsistent. As a matter of fact, it is difficult to get any free time this days.

In conclusion, it is also important I let you know that, if you are not committed, you will end up wasting your time again. Commitment, patience and resilience are the vibes you need, if you want this strategy to work.

Thank you all for watching, if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and do follow us on our social media handles, by doing so, you will be notified every time we release a new tip.

Until next time, see you in the next one.

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