5 Ways To Earn Money While Learning To Code
Noah Olatoye

Noah Olatoye


5 Ways To Earn Money While Learning To Code

Like many other learners all over the world, you would always wonder how to fully take full advantage of your new skills, especially when it comes to either making income or getting employment. 

Whether your proficiency is in Ruby, Objective-C, Shell, C, C++, PHP, C#, TypeScript, Java, Python or JavaScript, this post should help you get more value for your skillset; you will discover how to earn money from your new skills. 


1. Teach Coding Course

If you want to be better at you are skilled, then teach what you know! "People learn better and recall more when they think they will soon teach other people with their new skills".

John Nestojko, a Washington University researcher in psychology, gave an illustration about two sets of learners. When you compare learners awaiting a test and learners anticipating to teach, the set of students awaiting to teach will recall more resources and the context of what they learnt more accurately than those waiting to take a test. 

How is this possible? Those learning to teach others terms to organise their learning pattern more effectively, and they had better memory, especially vital information. 

Aside from the above benefit, you can also earn money from teaching. Lots of people around the world want to learn how to code.  The cool thing about the skills is that you don't need a degree to become an excellent online or in-person teacher. 

You can start teaching immediately on a platform that supports such services. The platform will guide you through all the necessary processes in launching your first course. 

To give you a global view, several Instructors doing this on various platforms earn up to $12,000 (around Four Million Naira) each Month. Below are some of the websites you can leverage on.


2. Go for open source projects.

If you've started building some mini-app functionalities with Python, PHP, Rubi, Java, C++, Javascript, etc., go straight to Github for open source projects. Create an open-source project that will provide value to others. Many open-source Python projects currently exist, and you can leverage them in Github; they already have millions of users. Examples are BeautifulSoup, InstagramBot, Requests, PinterestBot and many others.

Immediately you set up and launch your project on Github, make sure you set up a support button where people can support the projects while you release monthly updates.


3. Get a Python developer job.

Getting a job with python skills shouldn't be too tricky if you are honest with yourself (keep building something to strengthen your skills). There are many Python jobs out there; the significant challenges are that people don't train themselves enough for the task. 

While there are many jobs out there, always remember that employers are looking for the right match. They want someone that will solve their problems and not someone that will become a burden to them. 

In other words, don't waste your time looking for Job if you are not doing everything possible to advance your skills better (keep learning). Another thing to consider is showing what you are made of. Before looking for jobs, make sure that you've done good profiling in your GitHub. 

Constantly push projects to your GitHub repository so employers will be wood by your efficiencies without even seeing you. To know more about putting yourself out there, check out this video. 

In giving yourself a tremendous advantage, concentrate on one Python stack. Python works almost everywhere. However, you can't learn or show yourself as the master of all. Professionally, I will advise you to focus on one of the following: 

  • Data Science,
  • Network Security, 
  • Script Development, 
  • Web Back End 


As a beginner, I will also advise you to make your condition reasonable. Whether you want a remote or physical job, make sure you don't overshoot yourself while negotiating with the employer (this doesn't mean you should undervalue yourself). 

The point is to let your focus be on getting more exposure and giving businesses more value. Then, over time, you will begin to have more leverage on the kinds of offers you should accept. 

Websites you can apply for Office and Remote Jobs.


4. Freelancing Projects 

In case you haven't thought about it, every developer does freelancing. Whether on a full scale or on a temporal basis, at some point, once people have an idea of what you are made of, they will always come to you for help. In most cases, this help won't just go for free; there'll always be exchange at the end. In other words, freelancing will be your first choice of making money. 

Just think about some problem people are facing, write some script to fix it. People love easy things; then make their lives much easier by helping them solve problems. For example, help them filter values swiftly in excel, write lines of code that help people scrap information from websites etc. All these will get you more deals quickly. 

In most cases, you don't want to leverage your friends and relatives alone to get new projects. You can register with platforms, and with a good profile, people will ask you to work for them. To get started, here are some excellent websites:


5.  Code Contest

There are several coding yearly contests around the globe.  Besides the money, coding contests will help you to become better. It is fun to prepare for a coding contest because it is as if you are preparing for a job interview. 

After a contest, you are likely to be more prepared for a new job than an average developer.

To participate in a coding contest, you need to preregister on a platform that organises such a program. And before you enrol, make sure you read and understand all the requirements; otherwise, you might end up not making it to the first round. 

Code contests are mostly around logic and algorithm in sorting, data structure and searching. And if you are interested, check out any of the platforms below. 


Best of luck with the Contest!

Let me know in the comment session if this was helpful.

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