6 Unbroken Reasons Why Every Web Developer Need To Learn JavaScript
Tunde Osborne

Tunde Osborne


6 Unbroken Reasons Why Every Web Developer Need To Learn JavaScript

In one of his sayings, Jeff Atwood said, and I quote, "Any app that can be written in JavaScript will eventually be written in JavaScript."

You might hate javascript; one sure thing is that all browsers love it. The Javascript programming language has its downside (same with other programming languages). However, the language is flexible, and you can always find your way around every challenge you encounter. 

If you've been wondering whether to learn how JavaScript works or not, before you even get to the bottom of this post, you should have a concrete reason why you should know how to get your way around Javascript in your next project. 

Without further ado, let us examine six ways Javascript plays a massive role in the world of web interactivity. 


1.  Client-Side Script Implimentation 

JavaScript as one of the programming languages is of great importance to web developers because approximately 95% of all websites use it. It is identified as one of the languages which fall within the client-side programming languages.

Client-side programming is the program that runs on the client (browser) and deals with the user interface/display and any other processing that can happen on the client machine, like reading/writing cookies.

JavaScript helps web developers to create a web page that is dynamic and interactive by implementing custom client-side scripts. From the popup banners you see and the helpful dialogue boxes that appear whenever you input the wrong values. 

One of the fun parts is that it can be written almost anywhere. JavaScript can be combined with HTML5 and CSS3 to create web pages that look good across browsers, platforms, and devices. 


2. Serves As Server-Side Code

Web developers use javascript to write Server-Side Code. This is usually done on a cross-platform runtime engine like Node.js. 

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that runs on the V8 engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web browser.

Hence, the web developers can use Node.js to write both client-side and server-side code in JavaScript.


3. Complex Web Applications Made Simple

Javascript also helps in Simplifying Complex Web Application Development. It allows the developer to simplify the composition of the application.

Document Object Model boundaries are often created in JavaScript's libraries. In addition to simplifying the web application's structure, the shadow DOM further decouples components of individual JavaScript libraries. The shadow DOM additionally make web browsers deliver documents with widely used HTML tags like div, select and input.


4. Responsive Web Design

A single code base is often adopted to create a responsive web design for big screens and mobile devices. Therefore, developers have to combine CSS3, HTML5 and JavaScript to make the web pages responsive. Hence, the developers must use JavaScript to optimize web pages for mobile devices.


5. Accelerated Mobile Pages

With the help of Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), websites are created to deliver a richer user experience across varying mobile devices. Google has combined several optimization techniques to increase the loading speed of mobile web pages directly. 

However, it requires developers to integrate AMP technology into the web pages through HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Hence, the programmers have to use JavaScript while optimizing websites for mobile devices with AMP.


6. Innovation To The Language

JavaScript on its own lacks some of the advanced features provided by modern programming languages like multithreading capability and file read/write option. 

The programming language has been evolving consistently to meet the emerging trends in web application development. The latest version of JavaScript called ECMAScript 6 simplifies modern web application development by providing several new classes, modules, module loaders, generators and symbols, along with Unicode support and reflect API.


To wrap it up, let me leave you with this phrase that says; JavaScript is the only language that I'm aware of that people feel they don't need to learn before they start using it.

Modern web developers must use JavaScript to make their web applications deliver optimal user experience across various devices, operating systems, and browsers. 

If you want to become a superstar with the web, get familiar with multiple JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and tools. 

These benefits are uncountable and can be time-consuming to learn how it works due to its robust libraries. The best way to learn is to learn as the needs arise and never underestimate Javascript. 

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