Be an Amateur - The Spirit of Love
Tunde Osborne

Tunde Osborne


Be an Amateur - The Spirit of Love

Video Transcript:

Do you know that it is best to be an amateur?


Interestingly, that is what we are! According to Charlie Chaplin, we are all amateur and we don’t live long enough to be anything else. 


By the end of this video, you will see the reason why you should embrace the quality of amateurism. 


My name is Noah Olatoye and welcome to 5MDC, where every week, we release design and coding tips that will sharpen your skills regardless of your discipline. Subscribe and follow us on our social media handles to be notified each time we release a new tip.


In this video, I will give you reasons to be an amateur and remain in the curiosity zone where ideas, passion and curiosity remains the instrument of innovation. 

When you always wear the garment of an expert, you are likely rubbing yourself the ability to be innovative. Our greatest fear is that we do not want people to see us as a novice. As a result, we misplace our beginner mindset which was the precious characteristic when we first started the career. In today's digital evolution, it is the amateur that has the enthusiast to pursues their works in the spirit of love. It will interest you to know that, in french, amateur means "lover".


The amateurs are goal-getters, they do not care for fame, money, or career. What they want is a breakthrough from their ideas. These are often an advantage over the professionals. 

Amateurs are willing to try anything and share the results. They take chances, experiments, and follow their whims. Sometimes, in the process of doing things in an unprofessional way, they make new discoveries.


According to Zen monk Shunryu Suzuki; In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities. 


Amateurs might lack formal training, but they’re all lifelong learners, and they make a point of learning in the open so that others can learn from their failures and successes.

The world is changing, things around us keep evolving, these changes most times turn us all into amateurs. Even for professionals, the best way to flourish is to retain an amateur’s spirit and embrace uncertainty and the unknown.


Let us face it, there will always be the need for us to learn something new or create something outside our comfort zone. These are periods where we need to wear the garment of innovation. 

At some point in our life, there will be a need to cut down our ranks and learn like amateurs. Forget about being an expert or a professional, and wear your amateurism on your sleeve. Share what you love, and the people who love the same things will find you.


And that would be all for this session, let me know what you think in the comment box. 

If you like this video, give it a thumbs up and do follow us on our social media handles, by doing so, you will be notified every time we release a new tip. 

Until next time, see you in the next one. 

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