Employee digital skills transition - the role of employers
Noah Olatoye

Noah Olatoye


Employee digital skills transition - the role of employers

One common thing people do when looking for new opportunities is to dust their certificates ad look for ways they could better represent their portfolio to attract the next ample opportunity.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this process at all; after all, we are all guilty of it. However, in this post, I aim to make you realise you don't have to wait until there's a need before you start dusting and cleaning up your resume. Most importantly, this post will showcase how employers can drive more growth by supporting continued learning culture.

In August 2022, we released a post about how we were able to help some employees at Sterling Bank transition into tech; this is a follow-up post.

With my experience in coaching none tech into becoming tech enthusiasts, I have learnt many things that can be helpful to any organisation in transitioning their employees into tech.

Why is employee digital skills transition important? We can all relate to the pace at which businesses strive to use technology to drive fundamental growth within and outside the organisation.

Organisational scalability now depends on increased efficiency, greater business agility and, ultimately, the unlocking of new value for employees, customers and shareholders. With technologies, businesses can drive all these attributes.

Business owners can't drive these changes alone; they need to leverage individuals with the skill set to implement these drives. Since there is a technology component in all we do, imagine what a workplace will look like if every employee is technologically inclined. Innovation will sprout up from every corner!

What are the concepts for digital transformation? One important thing to note is that starting a digital transformation process demands a new mindset—something to reimagine and develop a strategy for the companies to do things; this needs to be from the ground up.

Every organisation should look out for these two concepts of digital transformation: digitisation and digitalisation.

Digitisation translates analog information and data into digital form—for example, scanning documents and storing them on a computer.

Digitalisation is using digital technologies to change business processes and projects—such as upskilling employees to operate new software platforms to help increase the product launch turnaround time. While digital transformation might include digitalisation efforts, it goes beyond the project level and affects the entire organisation.

What are the case studies of digital transformation? In August 2022, we took 35 employees from Sterling Bank through the partnership with Sterling Tech Academy. These individuals have no prior knowledge of coding or tech-related skills.

The academy aims to upskill its employees with sort for tech skills and possibly get tech-related jobs within the organisation. Interested mandate, yeah!

Beyond these mandates, InstinctHub took it even further; through the academy, the employees should create a solution to address critical problems within and outside the bank.

Interestingly, in 12 weeks, through our employees friendly curriculum, they could learn coding skills and even create products for the bank. Below are some of the fantastic projects built by Sterling Tech Academy2.1

  • Asset Management System
  • Automated Teller Proof
  • CRM Plugin
  • Product Catalogue

Give or take, these are fantastic assets for the bank. You can google how much it will cost to build any of these products. If you can imbibe the right skills in your employees, the experience and growth will be astonishing.

To get a sense of what I'm talking about, see Adebola's post below; her commitment to the bank tripled after the training!

Adebolo's Linkedin Post

If Adebola's team could do it, then your team can!

I am looking forward to upskilling you and your staff; email us at skills@instincthub.com or call us [+234 816 288 0409](tel:+234 816 288 0409)

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Our expert instructors are here to guide you every step of the way and help you achieve your goals. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your full potential. Get in touch with us now and embark on an exciting journey towards a successful tech career.

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