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Course Enrolment Policy

At instinctHub, we are committed to providing high-quality educational courses to our students. We have established the Course Enrollment Policy to ensure a positive and productive learning experience.

  1. Eligibility: To enrol in a course, students must meet the course's prerequisites and other eligibility requirements as stated in the course description.
  2. Enrollment: Enrollment in a course is on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must complete registration and pay any associated fees before the class starts to date.
  3. Attendance: Regular attendance is expected of all enrolled students. Students who miss more than three classes without a valid reason may be withdrawn from the course.
  4. Weekly Activities: Students must complete weekly activities as assigned by the instructor. Failure to meet these activities on two occasions will result in withdrawal from the course with no refund. Where applicable, the host organisation (employer) may enact additional penalties on the withdrawn employee.
  5. Withdrawals and Refunds: Students who wish to withdraw from a course must do so in writing to skills at instincthub dot com at least ten days before the course start date to receive a full refund. No refunds will be given for withdrawals made after the course start date for students who withdraw due to failure to complete weekly activities.
  6. Academic Integrity: Students are expected to maintain academic integrity and honesty in all coursework. Any instances of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, will result in the discontinuation of the course with no refund. Where applicable, the host organisation (employer) may enact additional penalties on the withdrawn employee.
  7. Accommodations: Students with disabilities who require accommodations should contact InstinctHub at skills at instinctHub dot com as soon as possible to request accommodations.
  8. Changes to the Policy: instinctHub reserves the right to change this Course Enrollment Policy at any time. Any changes will be announced on the website or by email before they take effect.

By enrolling in a course at instinctHub, students agree to abide by this Course Enrollment Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at skills at instinctHub dot com.