Plagiarism is a grave violation of academic integrity and ethical standards. It involves the use of another person's ideas, words, work, or intellectual property without appropriate acknowledgment, and passing it off as one's own. Plagiarism undermines the core values of learning, critical thinking, and originality that are fundamental to education and research. This policy outlines our institution's stance on plagiarism and the consequences associated with such misconduct.
Definition of Plagiarism
Plagiarism encompasses various forms of intellectual dishonesty, including but not limited to:
Direct Copying: Reproducing someone else's work verbatim without proper citation.
Paraphrasing: Restating someone else's work in different words without proper citation.
Using Ideas Without Attribution: Presenting someone else's ideas, concepts, or theories without giving due credit.
Self-Plagiarism: Submitting one's own previous work, in part or in whole, for credit without appropriate authorization.
Unauthorized Collaboration: Collaborating on assignments without explicit permission from instructors, resulting in shared work being passed off as individual effort.
Online Sources and Templates: Copying or adapting content from online sources, including templates, themes, and pre-existing solutions, without proper citation.
Responsibilities and Expectations
Faculty, students, and researchers are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. To prevent plagiarism, individuals should:
Attribute Sources: Properly attribute all sources, including quotes, paraphrased material, and ideas borrowed from others.
Cite References: Follow the prescribed citation style for each discipline and provide accurate and complete citations for all external sources.
Create Original Work: Produce original content that reflects independent thought, analysis, and research.
Seek Permission: Obtain approval from instructors for collaboration or using previously submitted work.
Avoid Unauthorized Aids: Abstain from using unauthorized notes, electronic devices, or resources during assessments, unless explicitly permitted.
Consequences of Plagiarism
Instances of plagiarism are treated with utmost seriousness and may lead to various consequences, including but not limited to:
Academic Penalties: Assignment or assessment scores may be reduced or invalidated.
Course Failure: Failing a course due to academic dishonesty.
Educational Programs: Mandatory participation in workshops on academic integrity.
Disciplinary Action: Reporting to appropriate institutional bodies for further investigation and potential disciplinary measures.
Permanent Record: Documentation of plagiarism incidents in academic records.
Loss of Reputation: Undermining personal and institutional credibility.
Reporting and Investigation
Reports of suspected plagiarism will be thoroughly investigated by the institution's designated committee or individuals responsible for academic integrity matters. Due process will be followed to ensure fairness and the protection of the rights of all parties involved.
Maintaining academic integrity is a shared responsibility of all stakeholders in the academic community. By adhering to the principles of honesty, proper attribution, and originality, we ensure the credibility of our educational pursuits and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and learning. This policy reaffirms our commitment to nurturing an environment of ethical scholarship and excellence.